This booklet EU Funds for Social Services: Promising Practices and Inspiring Examples aims at shaping the abilities of the organisations to be successful in applying for EU funding and running projects and inspire Managing Authorities (MAs) with practices that facilitate the support for quality social inclusion projects. It summarises and demonstrates experience of organisations in the field and supplements it with examples of successful projects. We have gathered feedback in 6 areas, distilled and rephrased into simple advice, illustrated with practical examples.
By clicking on flags below you can download Promising Praticles and Inspiring Examples on that language.
I dette afsnit kan du finde nogle relevante dokumenter, som kan være nyttige for at få en bedre forståelse af forenkling og anvendelsen af forenklede omkostningsmuligheder.
Samfinansieret af Den Europæiske Union. De synspunkter og holdninger, der kommer til udtryk, er dog udelukkende forfatterens/forfatternes og afspejler ikke nødvendigvis Den Europæiske Unions synspunkter og holdninger. Hverken Den Europæiske Union eller den myndighed, der yder støtten, kan holdes ansvarlig for dem.