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Partnership agreement EC – Slovenia 2021 – 2027

Policy objectives, JTF-specific objectives, or technical assistance ERDF Cohesion Fund allocation at national level JTF ESF+ EMFAF allocation at national level Total
Allocation at national level Category of region Allocation by category of region Allocation at national level Article 3 JTF resources Article 4 JTF resourcesAllocation at national level Category of region Allocation by category of region
Policy Objective 1 More developed                              241,306,488 More developed            727,173,813  
Less developed                       485,867,325 Less developed
Policy Objective 2 More developed                                      111,714,305            295,533,041 More developed               13,678,134             806,712,567  
Less developed            385,787,087 Less developed
Policy Objective 3 More developed            405,142,679 More developed            511,031,159  
Less developed            105,888,480 Less developed
Policy Objective 4 More developed More developed            153,307,283             769,326,617  
Less developed            129,891,813 Less developed            486,197,521
Policy Objective 5 More developed               17,627,973 More developed                  8,897,000               94,127,785  
Less developed               67,602,812 Less developed
JTF-specific objective            248,773,600            108,931,414            139,842,186            248,773,600  
Technical assistance pursuant to Article 36(5) CPR More developed               12,972,706               17,516,893                9,950,943 More developed                  6,244,291                  1,354,507            108,871,553  
Less developed               41,126,313                  4,357,256                  5,593,687 Less developed                19,615,900
Total More developed            383,621,472            718,192,613            258,724,543 More developed            159,551,574               23,929,641        3,265,997,094  
Less developed        1,216,163,830 Less developed            505,813,421
Total            1,599,785,302              718,192,613              258,724,543                      665,364,995                23,929,641          3,265,997,094  
Sotsiaalsema Eesti alt planeeritavad meetmed *erieesmärk (k) ja (m): kavandatavad sotsiaalteenused
Nimetus Eri-ees-märk Meede Sekkumised Fond RA EL toetuse eelarve
Sotsiaalsem Eesti a Kõrge tööhõive taseme saavutamine ja hoidmine Tööturu struktuursete probleemide lahendamine, tööhõive suurendamine ja erinevate tööturu riskirühmade tööturul osalemise toetamine ESF SOM RTK 52 444 320
a Meeste ja naiste võrdse majandusliku sõltumatuse toetamine ning soolise tasakaalu suurendamine kõigil otsustus- ja juhtimistasanditel Soolise võrdõiguslikkuse edendamine tööturul ESF SOM RTK 2 485 950
d Kõrge tööhõive taseme saavutamine ja hoidmine Töötervishoiu ja –ohutuse teenuste kujundamine Töökeskkonna ja töötingimustega tegelevate organisatsioonide, sh sotsiaalpartnerite ja erialaorganisatsioonide võimekuse tõstmine Püsiva töövõimekao ennetamine ja ajutise töövõimetusega inimeste tööhõives püsimise toetamine ESF SOM RTK 31 991 245
d Terviseriskide ja riskikäitumise vähendamine ning kogukondade ja paikkondade võimestamine tervise edendamisel Haiguste ennetusmeetmete, nõustamis-, rehabilitatsiooni- ja tugiteenuste kättesaadavuse parandamine inimeste konkurentsivõime tõstmiseks tööturul ja tööturule naasmiseks ESF SOM RTK 5 085 755
d Hüvitiste maksmine, skeemide arendamine ja inimeste piiriülest liikumist arvestava sotskindlustussüsteemi kujundamine Aktiivsena vananemise toetamine töötajate ja tööandjate teadlikkuse suurendamise kaudu ESF SOM RTK 973 000
e Õpetajate järelkasv ja areng, õpikäsitus ja -keskkonnad Teaduspõhine õppekavade ja õppevara arendamine ning rakendamine ja õppekvaliteedi hindamine, personaalsed õpiteed ja õpianalüütika. Haridus- ja noortevaldkonna töötajate esma- ja täiendusõpe ning järelkasv. ESF HTM RTK 39 469 458
e Hariduse, ühiskonna ja tööturu seosed Õppurite õpivalikute suunamine kutse- ja kõrghariduses, e Tehnoloogiaprogramm (aka Inseneriakadeemia). Tööturu vajadustele vastava kutse- ja kõrghariduse arendamine (PRÕM+). IT hariduse ja digioskuste arendamine. Kõrghariduse kvaliteet, rahvusvahelistumine ja doktorikoolid. ESF HTM RTK 87 708 324
e Teadussüsteemi järjepideva toimimise kindlustamine Teaduskommunikatsioon ja teaduse populariseerimine ESF HTM RTK 4 903 335
f Noortevaldkonna arendamine Noorsootöö meetmed noorte tööturule sisenemise toetamiseks ja NEET-staatuses noortele tugimeetmete pakkumiseks. ESF HTM RTK 8 846 597
f Õpetajate järelkasv ja areng, õpikäsitus ja -keskkonnad Hariduse tugiteenused ESF HTM RTK 20 642 061
g Õpivõimalused ja hariduse korraldus Täiskasvanute mitteformaalses  õppes osalemise toetamine ning arendustegevused (sh koolitusasutuste võimekuse suurendamine,  kvaliteediarendus, täiskasvanute õpiteede paindlikumaks muutmine, elukestva õppe populariseerimine). Täiskasvanute tasemeõppes osalemise toetamine. ESF HTM RTK 68 445 860
g Hariduse, ühiskonna ja tööturu seosed Kutsesüsteemi reform ESF HTM RTK 13 800 000
h Õpetajate järelkasv ja areng, õpikäsitus ja -keskkonnad Eesti keele õpe ja keeleõppe arendamine ESF HTM RTK 21 000 000
h Noortevaldkonna arendamine Teenused riskinoortele: Laste ja noorte kodanikuühiskonda kaasamine ESF HTM RTK 2 607 397
h Keelevaldkonna arendamine Eesti keele õpe ja keeleõppe arendamine ESF HTM RTK 11 190 000
h Kriminaalpoliitika kujundamine ja kuritegevuse vähendamine Noorte retsidiivsuse vähendamisele suunatud erinevad tegevused. Sihtrühm: noored, spetsialistid, võimalikud teenuse osutajad. ESF JUM RTK 6 658 729
h Lõimumist, sh kohanemist toetav Eesti Kohanemisprogrammi „Settle in Estonia“ pakkumine; Andmevahetuslahenduse (sh infoplatvormi) edasiarendus ja rakendamine; Eri keele- ja kultuuritaustaga inimeste ning tagasipöördujate tööturul konkurentsivõimet toetavad tegevused; Eesti keele õpet toetavad tegevused ning kodanikuõpe; Avalikkuse teavitamine rände-, lõimumis-, sh kohanemisteemadel; Kohalike omavalitsuste toetamine lõimumise, sealhulgas kohanemise teenuste pakkumisel; kogukondade vaheliste kontaktide edendamine. ESF KUM RTK 35 368 926
h Ennetav ja turvaline elukeskkond Riskikäitumisega noorte toetamine, kohaliku tasandi võrgustikutööl põhinevate koostöömudelite ja ennetustöö edendamine: •     Spetsialistide koostöömudel keskmise ja kõrge riskikäitumisega noorte toetamiseks •      Koolitused ennetusalase kompetentsi arendamiseks ning riskikäitumise ennetamiseks •    Alkoholi ja teiste uimastitega seotud kahjude ja riskikäitumise vähendamise kompetentsi loomine •     Kohaliku tasandi võrgustikutöö edendamine turvalisuse suurendamiseks ESF SIM RTK 2 195 788
h Kodanikuühiskonna mõju suurendamine ja arengu toetamine Laste ja noorte kodanikuühiskonda kaasamine 1. Süsteemse kogukonnapõhise laste ja noorte kaasamismudeli arendamine (kodanikuühiskonna järelkasvu tagamine) 2. Laste ja noortega tegelevate vabaühenduste kaasamis- ja osalemisoskuste tõstmine (võimaluste loomine vabaühenduste arendamiseks, vabaühenduste arendamine ja tugevdamine rõhuasetusega laste ja noortega tegelevatel vabaühendustel) ESF SIM RTK 1 401 098
h Karistuste täideviimise korraldamine Kinnipeetavate konkurentsivõime suurendamine läbi nende parema lõimimise, sh eesti keele oskuse parandamise.  Sihtrühm: kinnipeetavad, võimalikud teenuse osutajad ESF JUM RTK 1 770 000
h Lastele ja peredele suunatud teenused on kvaliteetsed ja vastavad perede vajadustele Laste ja perede toetamine Laste riskikäitumise ennetamine ESF SOM RTK 30 852 834
k Iseseisvat toimetulekut toetavate ja kvaliteetsete sotsiaalteenuste ning hooldusvõimaluste tagamine Kogukonna ja kohalike omavalitsuste võimestamine; teenuste kättesaadavuse parandamine; uuenduslike ja integreeritud teenuste arendamine; hoolduskoormuse leevendamine; sotsiaalvaldkonna tööjõu kvalifikatsiooni tõstmine ja jätkusuutlikkuse tagamine. Kvaliteetsed ja kättesaadavad sotsiaalteenused; hoolduskoormuse leevendamine; sotsiaalvaldkonna tööjõu kvalifikatsiooni tõstmine ja jätkusuutlikkuse tagamine; erinevate valdkondade integratsioon ja uuenduslike lahenduste kasutusele võtt. Kvaliteetsed ja kättesaadavad sotsiaalteenused sh kaitstud töökoha teenus, isikukesksed teenused. ESF SOM RTK 38 660 000
k Kogukonna juhitud kohalik areng – CLLD Pikaajalise hoolduse teenuste kättesaadavuse ja kvaliteedi parandamine ning hoolduskoormuse leevendamine Inimväärikuse tagamine  sh vaesuse vähendamine ja sotsiaalse kaasatuse suurendamine ESF SOM RTK 5 000 000
k Lastele ja peredele suunatud teenused on kvaliteetsed ja vastavad perede vajadustele Lastele- ja peredele suunatud, pikaajalist hooldust (sh puuetega laste) vähendavate sotsiaalteenuste arendamine ja pakkumine ESF SOM RTK 4 500 000
m Sotsiaalkindlustuse programm Toidu ja/või esmatarbekaupade pakkumine (nt voucherite skeemi alusel) ESF SOM RTK 15 612 147





Rahaline maht


Vooru avanemise prognoos

Kohalike tegevusrühmade strateegiate elluviimine



Taotleja on kohalik tegevusrühm (MTÜ), kes on nimetatud kohaliku tegevusrühma strateegias ESF+-st rahastatavate tegevuste rakendajana

5 miljonit eurot


eelduslikult III kvartal

Policy Objective 4:  A more social and inclusive Europe implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights

To achieve the objectives of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan and Slovenia’s 2030 national targets, the following action points will be taken:

  • Implementing measures primarily on reducing the long-term unemployment rate and with a view to prolonging working life. Using ESF+ resources, the focus is on finding measures on putting in place an inclusive and responsive labour market.
  • Active employment policy measures will be targeted at mitigating the impact of crises and reducing structural disparities. They will also focus on the functioning and integration of labour market institutions and the modernisation of their services. 
  • Closing the gap on the labour market by focusing on raising the competencies and skills of jobseekers and employees and supporting access to employment. 
  • ESF+ resources will be used to support the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are key to an individual’s success in society, adapted to the future of work and to global changes. 
  • Promoting adult education and greater participation in lifelong learning, paying particular attention to vulnerable groups such as older people, including the over-65s, the low-skilled and less qualified, etc. 
  • Organizational changes will be invested in and access to inclusive and high-quality education will be improved. In line with the needs, funding will be allocated in both cohesion regions, with a slightly higher intensity in the ESCR.
  • With the help of ESF+ resources measures will be adopted to improve social inclusion and improve the employment opportunities of vulnerable groups, especially the long-term unemployed.
  • Supporting social inclusion and social activation programs to make it easier for those who are inactive or who have been unemployed for a prolonged period. 
  • Measures to develop and provide social care services and community-based services. This will require the continuation of the deinstitutionalisation process and the consolidation of long-term care services. 
  • Integrating provision, protection, and promotion, and integrate treatment and addiction prevention programmes. 
  • Improving the health of the population and reduce health inequalities, providing organisational and substantive upgrades to primary care by integrating prevention activities, facilitating access to emergency medical assistance. 
  • All actions aimed at investing in social and health care infrastructure under any policy objective will be planned in accordance with needs assessments and will be based on a mapping of services and infrastructures.

Policy Objective 5: A Europe closer to citizens by fostering sustainable and integrated development of urban, rural and coastal areas and local initiatives.

Slovenia’s objective is to continue to promote endogenous potentials to reduce development disparities. ERDF resources will be allocated to building an inclusive society and to the further comprehensive socio-economic development of urban and rural areas, with particular attention to be paid to reducing the gap between socio-economically disadvantaged people and areas.

2. Distribution/breakdown of funds in national/regional programs. Coordination between national and regional programs.

In relation to the implementation of the Partnership Agreement in Slovenia, there will be coordination, demarcation, and complementarity between the ERDF, ESF+, CF, JTF and EMFAF, as well as coordination between national programmes:

  1. ECP 2021–2027 programme (source: ERDF, ESF+, CF, JTF); 
  2. Programme to Eliminate Material Deprivation in Slovenia 2021–2027 (source: ESF+) 
  3. Maritime and Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme (source: EMFAF)

This will be based on a centralised approach provided by the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy (SVRK). The SVRK is the managing authority of the ECP 2021–2027 programme, which will be financed by the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund with the aim of achieving the Objective for Growth and Jobs. The SVRK is also the managing authority for three European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programmes (SI-AT, SI-HU, SI-HR), the national authority for 11 ETC programmes and the national coordinator of all 13 ETC programmes in which Slovenia participates — four cross-border (SI-AT, SI-HU, SI-HR and IT-SI), five transnational (Alps, Central Europe, Danube, IPA ADRION, Euro-MED) and four inter-regional (Interreg Europe, Interact, ESPON, URBACT).

3. Thematic concentration

Member State complies with thematic concentration requirement

31.59% social inclusion

Programmed under specific objectives (h)–(l) of Article 4 ESF+ Regulation

Planned ESF+ programmes.


1 ECP programme 2021–2027

4.42% support to the most deprived


Programmed under specific objective (m) and in duly justified cases (l) of Article 4 ESF+ Regulation

Planned ESF+ programmes.


1 ECP programme 2021–2027


2 Programme to Eliminate Material Deprivation in Slovenia 2021–2027 (specific objective m).

… % support to youth employment

Programmed under specific objectives (a), (f) and (l) of Article 4 ESF+ Regulation.


Not applicable to Slovenia.

Planned ESF+ programmes.


1 ECP programme 2021–2027


…% support to tackling child poverty.

Programmed under specific objectives (f), (h)–(l) of Article 4 ESF+ Regulation.


Not applicable to Slovenia.

Planned ESF+ programmes.


1 ECP programme 2021–2027

1.8% capacity building of social partners and NGOs


Programmed under all specific objectives except (m) of Article 4 ESF+ Regulation.

Planned ESF+ programmes.1 ECP programme 2021–2027

4. Preliminary financial allocation from each fund covered by the Partnership Agreement, by policy objective, JTF-specific objective and technical assistance, at national and where appropriate regional level

Table 2

5. Existing and future initiatives aimed at facilitating access to EU funds

For the implementation of EU cohesion policy 2021–2027, the area of governance quality will be addressed in more detail under the specific ‘Strengthening Good Governance and Administrative Capacity for Cohesion Policy 2021–2027’ roadmap. As a parallel document to the Partnership Agreement, the roadmap arises from the Commission’s practical ‘Roadmaps for Administrative Capacity Building’ toolbox, which is based on the lessons learned from the pilot action on maximum administrative capacity building. In future, technical assistance resources will, where relevant, be engaged in the form of a flat rate and will focus primarily on the education and training of entities performing management and control tasks, entities, and other actors to which the performance and control bodies have delegated tasks, and other entities involved in the implementation of European cohesion policy with a view to effective and efficient implementation, monitoring, and management. Technical assistance funds will also be used to ensure adequate administrative capacity in both cohesion regions and among other entities so that they are better able to absorb funds at regional and local level, and to provide external expertise (area-specific experts for better project preparation and implementation).

Planned investments.

Labour market measures: 

  • Programmes to keep in the labour market those groups whose employment or self-employment is threatened or temporary, to reduce and prevent precarious work and to prevent the transition back to unemployment for target groups facing atypical forms of work or precarious work.
  • Measures to strengthen labour market institutions and services or to modernise their services to address target groups in the labour market more effectively, 
  • Development, establishment, and operation of a national tool for short, medium, and long-term competency forecasting – PNK, 
  • Measures to improve health and safety at work, raise awareness of the importance of intergenerational cooperation and tackle intergenerational stereotypes, 
  • Measures to prolong working life and promote intergenerational knowledge transfer.

Actions in the field of education and training: 

  • Career centres for young people, including career guidance for learners, o Strengthening the key competences of learners, such as digital competences, language competences, creativity, media literacy, critical thinking, entrepreneurship, creativity, healthy self-esteem, prevention of violence and addiction, cultural awareness and expression, and promotion of talents.
  • Strengthening education and labour market cooperation in vocational and technical schools, higher education Pupil/student – knowledge institutions – business/non-business (PKP) networking programmes,
  • Establishment of a supportive environment in tertiary education, 
  • Strengthening the competences of professionals and managers in education and training, 
  • Measures to promote lifelong learning.
  • Provision of ICT equipment and infrastructure conditions
  • Scholarships. 
  • Measures in the field of socio-economic inclusion of disadvantaged groups, promoting their active inclusion in society and increasing their employability and poverty prevention, including housing and social services.

6. Useful resources


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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