Webinar on Social services opportunities, needs and challenges in accessing EU funds

Start date:2023-04-25
End date:2023-04-25
Organizer:HELPDESK project
Location:Online Event


As a result of the growing need for care and support; demand for quality social services is constantly increasing. Despite their crucial role, social services in the EU are facing important challenges, such as chronic underfunding, staff shortages and challenges in transitioning to community-based and person-centred forms of services.

EU funds can create key opportunities to overcome these obstacles. However, social services struggle to access these funds; while managing authorities face difficulties in using EU funds to finance high quality social inclusion projects.

In its aim to address and solve these issues by offering concrete solutions to both social service providers and authorities, the Helpdesk project needed to objectify and analyse the opportunities, needs and challenges in both accessing and delivering EU funds, particularly ESF+ (European Social Fund Plus) and ERDF (the European Regional Development Fund), to finance quality interventions in the field of social services.

During the last quarter of 2022, the Helpdesk gathered evidence around the use of ESF+ and ERDF in social services and managing authorities/intermediate bodies, identifying promising practices, needs and challenges. This was done by collecting existing data, organising fora in 10 countries and disseminating a survey towards social services, managing authorities and intermediate bodies, throughout the EU.

By presenting the main findings of this evidence gathering work, this event will provide a unique opportunity for these national actors but also the European Commission and other European stakeholders, to better understand, assess and react on the opportunities, the needs and challenges faced by social services in accessing EU funds.


10h-10h05 Introduction of event & presentation of the Helpdesk project Mathieu de Poorter (CEDAG)
Fabiana Scarano (EASPD)
10h05-10h30   Lessons learned from the analysis of the EU Helpdesk survey Mathieu de Poorter (CEDAG), Margot Renard (UNIPSO)
10h30-10h45   Main qualitative findings from 10 national evidence gathering fora Eleni Kefallinou (European Social Network) & Vesa Latifi (European Social Network)
10h45-11h               Questions & Answers Vit Jasek (EAN)
11h-11h40               National and European perspectives: reactions and recommendations National Social Provider representative – Lourdes Márquez de la Calleja (F.ONCE)
National Managing Authority representative – Jonna Källström Böresson (Swedish ESF Council)
European Commission – Marianne Doyen (Policy officer ESF+)
Facilitation by Mathieu de Poorter (CEDAG)
11h40-11h50          Questions & Answers with the panel   Mathieu de Poorter (CEDAG)
11h50-12h               Conclusions & Next steps Laura Jones (EPR)


Main language in English, with possible interpretation

Materials of the webinar for consultation

WP2 – Evidence gathering activities and findings

Main qualitative findings from 10 National Evidence Gathering Fora

Key highlights from the event

Key highlights from the event - Italian subtitles

Key highlights from the event - Spanish subtitles

Key highlights from the event - Czech subtitles


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Copyright ©2022 HELPDESK
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