Support Center


Czech Republic

ERDF and ESF for social services and inclusion in the Czech Republic – 2021 – 2027


Social services are the target of specific objective 4.2: Promoting the socio-economic inclusion of marginalized communities, low-income households, and disadvantaged groups, including people with special needs, through integrated measures, including housing and social services

The activities in this specific objective focus on the following topics:

  • Social services infrastructure of social services provided under the Social Services Act (108/2006 Sb.) 
  • Deinstitutionalisation of social services for social inclusion and Deinstitutionalisation of social services for people with disabilities, the elderly, and people with mental disabilities. 
  • Social housing and Acquisition and adaptation of flats, apartment buildings and non-residential premises for the needs of social housing and acquisition of the necessary basic equipment.


Social services are mainly targeted by Priority call 2 – Social inclusion, which is divided among the following specific objectives:

Specific objective 2.1: to strengthen active inclusion, thereby promoting equal opportunities, non-discrimination and active participation and improving employment, especially for disadvantaged groups.

Priority interventions under this specific objective:

  • Provision of social services and other services and programs, including social entrepreneurship, for people in difficult living situations related to loss or poor-quality housing or other social crisis, support for social work. 
  • Support will primarily focus on families with children in an unfavorable social situation, children at risk, adolescents and young adults, persons with disabilities, caring persons, persons living in socially excluded localities, persons living in insecure or inadequate housing or on the streets. 
  • Preventing and tackling early school dropout.

Specific objective 2.2: to increase equal and timely access to quality, sustainable and affordable services, including services that support access to housing and personal care, including health care; to modernize social protection systems, including promoting access to social protection with a particular focus on children and disadvantaged groups; to improve accessibility, including for persons with disabilities, efficiency and resilience of health care systems and long-term care services.

Priority interventions under this specific objective:

  • Improving the quality and accessibility of social and health services provided. 
  • Development of services at the health-social frontier, services for children at risk, services for families with children and carers, and services aimed at preventing loss and maintaining housing. 
  • An essential component will be the conversion of institutional facilities (for persons with disabilities, the elderly, children, persons with mental disabilities) into outpatient or outreach services and community-based services with the aim of integrating service clients into mainstream settings.

Specific objective 2.3: Promoting the socio-economic integration of marginalized communities such as Roma.

Priority interventions under this specific objective:

  • Support community work to increase civic competence of Roma or parenting competence in Roma families. 
  • Support activities to strengthen Roma participation in elections. – Strengthening the role of NGOs in monitoring hate speech against Roma, domestic or gender-based violence. 
  • It will also include support for capacity building of Roma and pro-Roma NGOs, development, and implementation of measures to support the integration of marginalized communities.

Other OPZ+ activities in the social area are also included in Priority 3 – Social Innovation, with Specific objective 3.1: to strengthen active inclusion, thus promoting equal opportunities, non-discrimination and active participation and improving employability, especially for disadvantaged groups;

In the field of social inclusion, the focus will be on:

  • Increasing the effectiveness of social services, other social inclusion services and services at the social health frontier, new ways of providing and financing them. 
  • Supporting preventive services and services that tackle problems at their inception, with the aim of preventing social exclusion; seeking new approaches in the activation of people socially excluded or at risk of social exclusion and poverty, including finding solutions to the social impacts associated with the transition to a low-carbon economy. 
  • Linking sectors – eliminating barriers to client transition between sectors, continuity of agendas, coordination of services and a systemic approach at both provider and commissioner level, interdisciplinary cooperation. 
  • Promoting highly individualized services, coordinated access to services and integrated services; encouraging experimentation and exploration of new approaches to health services and access to care; and supporting expert capacity building and more equitable coverage across localities;


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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