The Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic is the managing body of European funds.
Programme Slovakia is based on the Partnership Agreement 2021 – 2027. The Partnership Agreement establishes a strategy for the effective use of EU funds in the amount of 12.6 billion EUR in total.
Programme Slovakia is a part of the biggest EU funds reform in the country’s history. There is only one programme (instead of six in the previous period), one managing body (The Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic) and the methodology is uniform. The main changes, as well as the main principles of the Programme Slovakia, are briefly described in this presentation: OP Slovakia 2021 – 2027
Programme Slovakia 2021 – 2027 was approved by the European Commission on 22 November 2022. Goal no. 4 aims to reach a more social Europe supporting education, health care, labor market and social services.
Social services are the target of several specific objectives including:
RSO4.3: Promoting the socioeconomic inclusion of marginalized communities, low-income households and disadvantaged groups, including persons with special needs, through integrated actions, including housing and social services (ERDF)
Activities related to this objective include investments in social infrastructure and social housing, e. g. building community centers and improving their facilities; providing accessible infrastructure for the needs of crisis intervention social services, and creating the infrastructure of affordable housing.
ESO4.8: Fostering active inclusion to promote equal opportunities, non-discrimination and active participation and improve employability, in particular for disadvantaged groups (ESF+)
Activities within this specific objective focus on:
ESO4.11: Enhancing equal and timely access to quality, sustainable and affordable services, including services that promote access to housing and person-centered care including healthcare; modernizing social protection systems, including promoting access to social protection, with a particular focus on children and disadvantaged groups; improving accessibility including for persons with disabilities, effectiveness, and resilience of healthcare systems and long-term care services (ESF+)
Supported activities contribute to achieving the goal of reducing the number of persons at risk of poverty and social exclusion, including children. In their implementation, the involvement of social services and social counseling is expected. Actions will be based on the mapping of infrastructure and service needs in the social and health area focusing on supporting equal access for all, especially disadvantaged persons.
Ending programmes (still ongoing despite the formal end in 2020; eligible until December 2023):
The managing body for the Human Resources Operational Programme is the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic.
The European Commission approved the Human Resources Operational Programme intending to support education, increase employment, support young people, help those who are on the verge of poverty, and increase employment and the educational level of marginalized communities.
Social services are mainly targeted by priority axis 4: Social Inclusion.
Through the ESF, the support of social inclusion, the fight against poverty, and any form of discrimination is ensured. The measures also focus on the systemic support of the ongoing process of transformation and deinstitutionalization of the alternative care system and structural changes in the system of social services in the Slovak Republic to improve the quality of life of citizens dependent on assistance and create a flexible and effective system of social services at the community level.
Investment priority 4.2 within priority axis 4 focuses on „improving access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, including health care and social services of general interest.“
The managing body for the Integrated Regional Operational Programme is the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic.
The operational programme financing focuses on safe and ecological transport in the regions as well as easier access to efficient and high-quality public services.
Social services are targeted by priority axis 2: Easier access to efficient and better quality public services.
IROP supports the area of social and health infrastructure. Within the social area, investments are made in social service facilities, in facilities for the care of children up to 3 years of age with the aim of supporting the reconciliation of family and work life and increasing the employment of women. Within the health infrastructure, investments are directed to social services, the modernization of hospitals, and the construction of healthcare centers.
Investment priority 2.1 focuses on „investments in health and social infrastructure that contribute to national, regional and local development, reduce inequality in terms of health status, promote social inclusion through better access to social, cultural and recreational services, and the transition from institutional to community services.“
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.