Of Partnership agreement with the Netherlands for the period 2021-2027 provides an overview of the Dutch priorities for investments from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), the European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF), the European Fund for Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture (EFMZVA), and the Just Transition Fund ( JTF). In total, this involves a budget of 2 billion euros.
The following table shows how the ERDF and ESF+ funds will be distributed over the various EU objectives. The next section provides more information on how these objectives will be implemented and which priorities are of interest to the social sector.
Policy objectives | ERDF | ESF+ |
1. A smarter Europe | EUR 310,497,680.00 | |
2. A greener Europe | EUR 148,589,121.00 | |
3. A social Europe | EUR 397,844,020.00 | |
4. A Europe closer to the citizen | EUR 30,042,789.00 |
Program ESF+ 2021-2027
The ESF+ for the period 2021-2027 is fully committed to the priority: ‘A more social and inclusive Europe through the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights’. The focus will be on employment, as described in the partnership agreement: “With regard to the ESF+, the government is fully committed to supporting job seekers and vulnerable workers. Resources will be focused on investments in human capital and integration of asylum-seeking migrants. This mainly concerns investing in increasing the possibilities for work integration of people with a great distance to the labor market by, among other things, stimulating a well-educated and sustainably employable working population.” In addition to supporting people with a vulnerable labor market position, the ESF+ program is also partly aimed at promoting social innovation and equal opportunities and non-discrimination (again with a focus on the labor market) and supporting the most deprived target group. The goals can be summarized in three points:
Program ERDF 2021-2027
The focus of the ERDF program for 2021-2027 is mainly on investments in innovation, research and development; the green and digital transition, and sustainable urban development in the western Netherlands. There is no focus on social priorities.
Synergies between the funds
Technological development and mismatch in the labor market inInnovations for the sustainable employability of personnel
ERDF can be used to invest in technological development and creative innovations that contribute to the sustainable employability of personnel, while ESF+ can be used to get people with a vulnerable labor market position into work, including, for example, the physically disabled and the elderly who benefit from this type of innovations.
ESF+ / AMIF for Civic Integration Activities
Subsidy from AMIF is intended to subsidize additional activities and projects and pilots that have an innovative character compared to regular integration activities. Subsidy from ESF+ aims to strengthen and support regular integration activities.
ESF+ is implemented by one national program and three regional programmes. The following pages contain more information about applying for a subsidy in the period 2021-2027:
Food aid (ESF+ 2021-2027): In the new ESF subsidy period (2021-2027), subsidies will be made available to combat material deprivation. The available resources are used to provide food aid, basic material aid and accompanying measures. The application for subsidy for the first period is closed, but keep an eye on the website for the coming period.
Labor market regions (ESF+ 2021-2027): Resources have again been made available for labor market regions to contribute to the implementation of the European Social Fund Plus programme. Subsidy can be applied for by central municipalities.
VSO/Pro (ESF+ 2021-2027): In the new ESF subsidy period (2021-2027), a subsidy will be made available for the integrated guidance of pupils in Secondary Special Education (VSO) and Practical Education (Pro) towards the labor market. Subsidy can be applied for by central municipalities. The application for subsidy for the first period is closed, but keep an eye on the website for the next period.
The ERDF budget for the period 2021-2027 is divided over 4 national ERDF programmes:
Within all ERDF programs the focus is on priorities in the field of a ‘smarter’ and a ‘greener’ Europe. So little attention is paid to social priorities.
For ESF+
The managing authorities by region are:
An overarching
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.