5.2. Kes nad on?
For each seven-year European programming period, each EU member state signs a partnership agreement with the Commission. In this agreement, each state defines the strategy and the priorities of use of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF):
- ERDF – European Regional Development Fund,
- ESF+ – European Social Fund +,
- FC – Cohesion Fund,
- JTF – Just Transition Fund,
- European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund.
Managing Authorities are public or private, national, regional or local bodies designated by the EU Member State to manage an Operational Programme.
As for the ESIF Funds, there are two types of Operational Programmes: National Programmes, which deal with themes of collective interest (e.g. culture, research and innovation, transport, infrastructure, etc.) and Regional Programmes, which intervene in the areas identified as priorities.
In the National Programmes, the Managing Authorities may be, for example, Ministries or National Agencies; in the Regional Programmes they may be the Regions and their equivalents or local authorities with particular forms of autonomy, including legislative autonomy.
The Partnership Agreement also includes the European Territorial Cooperation Programmes (i.e. the Interreg Programmes). A Managing Authority is established also within these Programmes.