6.4. Závěrečné hodnocení projektu
The final evaluation is the analysis of the degree of success of a project at the time of its completion. Please note that an evaluation plan is to be developed at the beginning of your project based on your goals and objectives. Refer to chapter Master the Proposal for more information on this.
The evaluation report should provide feedback on the project activity and its results – with a focus on the quality of the management – and recommendations regarding the future sustainability and transfer of the project approach and outcomes.
Structure of the final evaluation report
Certain standard elements should be addressed in every evaluation report. However, the precise structure of it depends on the specific focus, needs and circumstances of the project and its evaluation.
A sample structure is presented below:
- abstract,
- brief background on the project and its logic,
- purpose, scope and clients of evaluation,
- methodology,
- review of implementation,
- presentation of findings regarding project performance,
- conclusions,
- recommendations,
- lessons learned,
- annexes.
The evaluation report should not usually exceed 20 to 30 pages.
What to evaluate (results, impact etc), how and with whom?
- changes in thinking or behaviour of the target group(s),
- achievements of members of the target group(s),
- impact of the project on member institutions or organisations,
- impact of the project on other institutions or organisations,
- any broader impact on regional or national systems.
In order to evaluate the elements mentioned above, several tools can be used:
- review of projects reports and data,
- questionnaires,
- interviews,
- observation,
- focus groups,
- case studies.
Dissemination of the report
Once the evaluation report is completed, it is important that this document is delivered among your project team and the project stakeholders in order for them to be aware of its results and capture all the lessons learned, as well as to ensure that key recommendations are transformed into action. When developing the report, it is therefore key to keep in mind your audience and tailor the document to them. Organising a meeting with the project team and the stakeholders to present the results of the evaluation can be a valuable way to disseminate the report. This can also facilitate the discussion on how to move forward and improve future projects based on the outcomes of the evaluation.